Curtains and blinds can be used for so much more than simply using them as an effective window treatment. The same principle can be used to provide stylish wardrobe style doors. Blinds make a useful and practical quick fit door to cover shelving.. This can look particularly effective when used in recessed alcoves beside a chimney breast in a bedroom or dining room. With the wide range of colours and patterns a roller blind can be found to suit all interior colour decors. The great thing about Joyn is that it can quickly be assembled and made as long or short as required, simply adding or removing the pieces. Roller blinds would be most suitable, simply pull them up when to reveal the shelving and drop them down to instantly hide any clutter. Historic castles and stately homes are a great place to visit to get inspiration as to the various design styles, colours and patterns of fabrics which were used throughout history to adorn beds. A mix of plain, checks and stripes within the kitchen offers a warm and homely appearance. With the introduction of digital photography being used on roller blinds it is possible to have a forest scene, large flower blooms or have a portrait of yourself, family, children or pet digitally portrayed onto a blind. Lengths of beautiful fabrics hung Bedouin style can offer a great place for peace and relaxation and inject a riot of colour into a room, as well as being an effective way to stop biting insects feasting on your skin while you sleep! Curtains can also e used in the same way as blinds to provide an informal door to a hanging space for clothes or across the front of cupboards to conceal everyday objects. Heavy brocade fabrics were hung around and over the top of the bed, supported by heavily carved oak posts situated at the four corners of the bed. They can effectively make specific areas more private and although they do not offer any noise reduction they can provide visual privacy. Floor to ceiling curtains also make effect room dividers. Originally used to enclose the bed to keep out draughts to IFR Stage Curtain Fabrics For Sale in China keep the occupants warm and snug during the winter and offer privacy when many people shared the same bedroom. Country style kitchens look stunning with pretty floral printed fabrics or traditional gingham hung across the front of the base cupboards. In warmer countries light weight voiles and silk curtains are used to offer privacy and keep out biting insects. The Joyn can be suspended from a steel cable or fixed in a variety of different ways from the walls or ceiling. Bed curtains have been used for centuries. The more wealthy had ornate curtains hung from the ceiling in domed and pinnacle style shapes, similar to the style of a mosquito net. This divider would also be useful in an office environment, a great alternative to the felt board dividers and still offering a place to fix notes and papers. As a modern alternative the Joyn-Divider, Curtain and Wall Art designed by Hiroshi Tsunoda is made from hexagonal shaped pieces with interlock to form a stunning and effective way to divide a room. |